Who we serve
We work with patients of all ages and walks of life who are experiencing a wide range of neurological, physical and emotional trauma.

1Symptoms / Disabilities
- Fear
- Anxiety
- Headaches
- Hyper Sensitive to light/sound
- Insomnia/broken sleep
- Physical & emotional pain
- Dizziness
- Anger
- Broken
- Foggy
- Light-headed
- Dazed
- Short and long term memory loss
- Motion sickness
- Un-fit
- Low self-esteem
- Confusion
- Disconnected
- Loneliness
- Hopeless
- Un-loved
- Drained
- Exhausted
- Frustrated
- Conflicted
- Lost
- Lack of energy
- Uncomfortable
- Visual blurriness
- Mood swings
- Stiffness all over
- Numbness all over

2Diagnosis / Conditions
Helping you feel safe
We work with patients of all ages and walks of life who are experiencing a wide range ofneurological, physical and emotional trauma. We approach and treat each patient in the same way, by measuring everything from physical responses to neurological stimulation.
We guide our patients through our specially designed intake process to get the information that we needto best understand their unique situation. Along the way, we educate them so that they cancontinue to provide us with the data we need to uncover the cues that will lead us to asuccessful outcome.